


(1.北京体育大学 中国武术学院,北京  1000842.山东体育学院,山东 济南  250102)



中图分类号:G852    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1006-7116(2024)04-0041-06

The inevitable value, realistic situation and appropriate strategy for Quanpu interpretation of Chinese traditional Wushu
SUN Jie,WU Dong,YAN Min

(1.School of Chinese WushuBeijing Sport UniversityBeijing 100084China

2.Shandong Sport UniversityJinan 250102China)


Abstract: The interpretation of Quanpu in Wushu is an important link in the creative inheritance and innovative development of Chinese outstanding traditional culture, and using the methods of literature review, historical analysis, and logical discernment to explore the inevitable value, actual circumstances, and appropriate strategies in interpreting Quanpu in Wushu. The research suggests that the Quanpu in Wushu possess the contemporary values of promoting traditional culture, innovating cultural development, and constructing culture system, and encompasses the intrinsic value itself, including the thoughts of past Wushu masters, anecdotes and mythological stories, techniques inspired by animal movements, the wisdom of Yin and Yang philosophy, and a rich technical system. Environmental factors such as the impact of the transition from cold weapons to firearms, the conservatism in the process of Wushu inheritance, the scarcity of Quanpu resources, as well as constraints from content elements like the mixture of Wushu Quanpu versions, blurred lineages, concealed techniques, and language differences, have limited the interpretation of Quanpu in Wushu. Therefore, it is necessary to "respect the history of the Quanpu, restore the true technical principles and techniques", and "base on Quanpu in Wushu, interpret the Quanpu by using scientific methods such as textual criticism, poetic rhyming, personal comprehension, and field investigation."

Keywords: traditional national sportsWushu QuanpuQuanpu interpretationphilologyself-realization
