


(1.浙江师范大学 教师教育学院,浙江 金华 3210042.浙江师范大学 体育与健康科学学院,浙江 金华 321004)  

要:体质教育思想是我国学校体育思想体系的重要组成部分,其研究成果对学校体育理 论研究、学科发展及课程改革具有助推作用。运用文献资料、文本分析、逻辑思辨等研究方法, 从历史、现实及未来 3 个角度切入审视体质教育思想,在梳理体质教育思想脉络的基础上,对相 关质疑展开思辨与回应,并确认当代价值。研究认为:(1)体质教育思想发展经历了从“概念反思” 到“话语重塑”再到“学科创建”的思维转变,该思想缘于体育家对体育教育本体价值的反思, 其本质追求是分离体育与竞技概念及其探索体育之真义,此思想曾促成学界关于体育概念的大讨 论,但也在传播过程中遭受了争议与质疑。(2)体质教育思想的现存问题集中体现为目标维度单一 与教学实践局限,认为其根源在于未能深刻领会该思想的单本质论逻辑立场与改善学生体质的现 实诉求。(3)新时代背景下体质教育思想的价值体现为:体质教育与“健康第一”理念的健康追求 互为呼应、与体育学科素养的健身意识互为契合、与学校健康教育的内容体系互为补充。 


中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2023)01-0007-07

The carding of venation, the clarification of problems and the confirmation of value for physical education thought
SHAO Tianyi ,WANG Qian ,WU Mian ,TAN Qiaoyin

(1.School of Teacher EducationZhejiang Normal UniversityJinhua 321004China2.School of Physical Education and Health SciencesZhejiang Normal UniversityJinhua 321004China)  

Abstract: The physical education thought is an important part of the ideological system of school physical  education in China, and its research results can promote the theoretical research of school physical education,  discipline development and curriculum reform. Using the research methods of literature, text analysis and logical  speculation, this paper systematically combs the historical context and changing characteristics of the thought of  physical education, and further speculates and responds to the relevant questions on the basis of grasping its core  value. The research shows that: (1) The development of the thought of physical education has experienced a  thinking transformation from "concept reflection" to "discourse reconstruction" and then to "discipline creation".  This thought is due to the reflection of sportsmen on the ontological value of physical education. Its essential pursuit  is to separate the concept of sports and competition and explore the true meaning of sports. This thought has  contributed to the great discussion of the concept of sports in the academic circles, but it has also been controversial  and questioned in the process of dissemination. (2) From the perspective of development characteristics, the thought  of physical education always takes paying attention to the national physical problems as the development  motivation, and presents the ideological evolution mechanism of "query optimization". (3) The practical problems  of the thought of physical education are mainly reflected in the single goal dimension and the limitation of teaching practice. It is believed that its root lies in the failure to deeply understand the single essence logical position of the  thought and the practical appeal to improve students' physique. 

Keywords: school physical educationphysical education thoughthistorical changesreflection on problemscontemporary value
