(1.上海体育大学 体育教育学院,上海 200438;2.上海交通大学,体育系,上海 200240) 摘 要:运用文献资料、质性研究、专家访谈等方法,探讨我国体育高端智库竞争力的构成要素、现实困境与提升策略。研究认为:体育高端智库竞争力由生成要素(资源、能力)和表现要素(影响力)两部分组成。竞争力生成的资源要素涵盖人力、资金、信息及设施等内容;竞争力生成的能力要素包括思想和知识生产、沟通传播、态势感知及动态能力等内容;竞争力表现要素体现于决策影响、舆论影响、学术影响及国际影响方面。当前我国体育高端智库竞争力建设态势良好,但也存在着资源要素投入偏差、能力要素建设较为薄弱、影响力要素实现有待提升等问题。需从加强与完善资源和能力要素筹建方面着手,实现体育高端智库竞争力建设的全方位转变与提升。 关 键 词:体育智库;竞争力;高端智库;体育人才 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2023)05-0023-07 |
CHEN Weiwei,WANG Xuebin,SUN Qilin
(1.School of Physical Education,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China; 2.Department of Physical Education,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China)
Abstract: By using the methods of literature, qualitative research and expert interview, this paper discusses the constituent elements, realistic dilemma and promotion strategy of the competitiveness of Chinese sports high-end think tanks. The study holds that the competitiveness of sports high-end think tank consists of two parts: generative factors (resources, ability) and performance factors (influence). The resource elements of competitiveness include manpower, capital, information and facilities, and the ability elements of competitiveness generation include thought and knowledge production, communication, situation awareness and dynamic ability, and expressive elements of competitiveness are reflected in decision-making influence, public opinion influence, academic influence and international influence. At present, the constructive situation of competitiveness for Chinese sports high-end think tanks seems good, but there are some realistic problems such as the "deviation" of resource factor investment, the weak construction of ability factor, and the realization of influence factor to be improved. Given that, it is necessary to strengthen and improve the construction of resources and ability elements to achieve an all-round transformation and improvement of constructing competitiveness for sports high-end think tanks inChina. Keywords: sports think tanks;competitiveness;high-end think tanks;sports talents |