


(1.江苏师范大学 体育学院,江苏 徐州  2211162.陕西师范大学 体育学院,陕西 西安  710119)



中图分类号:G807    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1006-7116(2023)04-0106-06

Research on the perplexity and relief of academic competition involution to the high-quality development for school physical education
LIU Lu1,ZHAI Jingtao2

(1.School of Physical EducationJiangsu Normal UniversityXuzhou 221116China

2.School of Physical EducationShaanxi Normal UniversityXi 'an 710119China)


Abstract: The emergence of academic competition involution has its specific social and cultural background and interest motivation, which has experienced three stages: origin, expansion and solidification, and interferes with the normal operation and development of school physical education through absorbing time, resisting policy, weakening school physical education power and strengthening the wrong ideas, finally forming an intractable dilemma. The relief of the dilemma should not only be based onChina's macro-economic and social background, but also focus on the small condition from education and physical education. "Double circulation" and the new situation ofChina's population determine that the future of solving the problem of academic competition involution will be bright. The development of vocational education, the coordination of macro and micro interests, combined with the solid promotion of implementation on the "double reduction" policy, the improvement of after-school physical education services, and the empowerment of physical education at the key nodes of academic competition, all mentioned above will help to solve the dilemma of school physical education caused by the academic competition involution.

Keywords: school physical educationacademic competitioninvolutionafter-school physical education services high-quality developmentcollaborative governance
