


(1.教育部 体育卫生与艺术教育司,北京 100816;2.湖南师范大学 体育学院,湖南 长沙 410012)

摘      要:体教融合是体育强国、教育强国的重要抓手,更是新时代体育和教育部门工作的重点,其内容丰富、内涵深邃,是教育、体育融合发展的指导性纲要文件。但是,目前体教融合还面临着教育和体育发展的分离、主体内生动力缺失、体育功能单一功利化、家庭和社会体育缺失、后备人才培养不畅等问题。要通过全面落实体教融合制度设计,推进青少年体育治理体系和治理能力现代化;强化体教融合主体责任,切实调动其发展内驱力;贯彻落实“教会、勤练、常赛”的理念,融合体育教育的价值功能;落实“家-校-社”联动机制,推动青少年体育活动开展;夯实人才培养的基础,保证高质量的竞技体育后备人才的培养等策略,坚持“一体化设计、一体化推进”原则,制定切实工作举措,有效配置资源,合力推进青少年体育活动的开展,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人。
关 键 词 :体教融合;青少年体育活动;竞技体育后备人才培养
中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2021)02-0007-06

The dilemma and thought of the development for youth sports activities under the background of integration of physical education and cultural education
XU Hong 1 ,LI Xian-xiong 2

(1.Department of Physical Health and Art Education,Ministry of Education, Beijing 100816,China;
2.School of Physical Education,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410012,China)

Abstract: The integration of physical education and cultural education is not only the key to the powerful country of sports and education, but also the key work of the department of sports and education in the new era, as well as the instructive compendium files for the integrated development of education and sports with fruitful content and profound meaning. However, at present, the integration of physical education and cultural education is faced with following problems such as the paradox of the development of education and sports, the lack of internal motive
force of the main body, the single utilitarianism of sports function, the lack and restriction of family and social sports, and the poor training of reserve talents cultivation. Therefore, it is necessary to totally carry out the system design of the integration of physical education and cultural education and to propel the modernization of the governance system and ability for the youth; to intensify the subject responsibility of the integration of physical education and cultural education and to better mobilize its internal development drive; to carry out and implement the idea of “teaching well, diligent practice, frequent competition” and to integrate the value function of physical education and cultural education; to conduct the collaborative system of “family, school, community” and to promote the activity development of the youth sports; to enhance the foundation of the talents cultivation in order to ensure the cultivation of the high-quality reserve talents of competitive sports and other strategies, and to insist on the principle of “integrated design and promotion”, to carefully make some paths during work and effectively allocate resources, that can promote the development of physical activity of youth sports, and develop the socialism builders and successors who will be developed in comprehensively moral, intellect, sports, art, and labor.
Key words: integration of physical education and cultural education;youth sports activities;reserve talents cultivation for competitive sports
