


(1.清华大学 体育部,北京  100084;2.清华大学 社会科学学院,北京  100084)

摘      要:通过涉及领域、基础理论以及学科建构等方面对改革开放40年我国体育与生态环境相关研究成果进行系统梳理,旨在把握改革开放40年我国体育与生态环境研究脉络,理清改革开放40年我国体育与生态环境研究中达成的共识,指出现有研究存在的不足,以及对后续研究加以展望。不足:(1)理论研究深度不够,缺乏相关学科理论支撑,也未能深入挖掘深层次的影响因素;(2)实证分析较为薄弱,趋向“点对点”式的针对性研究,但案例研究尚不成熟,缺乏广度和深度;(3)研究方法较为单一,多质化研究,但逐渐转至质化与量化相结合,且偏重于量化研究的趋势。建议:(1)固本培元,厚植理论之基;(2)实践检验,付诸实证研究;(3)注重方法,加强量化研究;(4)提出体育生态(环境)学学科建构的未来愿景。
关  键  词:体育生态学;生态环境;生态文明;述评
中图分类号:G80-05    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1006-7116(2020)04-0084-07


A review of research on sports and ecological environment in China in the 40 years of reform and opening
GUO Zhen1,WANG Song1,A Rouna2,LIU Bo1

(1.Department of Physical Education,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;
2.School of Social Sciences,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China)

Abstract: In terms of areas involved, basic theories and disciplinary construction, the authors systematically col-lated sports and ecological environment related research achievements in China in the 40 years of reform and open-ing, so as to grasp the context of research on sports and ecological environment in China in the 40 years of reform and opening, to clarify agreements reached in research on sports and ecological environment in China in the 40 years of reform and opening, to point out deficiencies existing in the existing research, and to expect follow-up re-search. Deficiencies: 1) insufficient theoretical research depth, lacking related disciplinary theory support, and fail-ure to dig up in-depth affecting factors; 2) relatively weak empirical analysis, tending to “point to point” pertinent research, yet case research being immature, lacking breadth and depth; 3) relatively undiversified research methods, mostly qualitative research, but turning gradually to the combination of qualitative research and quantitative re-search, and tending to quantitative research. Suggestions: 1) consolidate fundamental essentials, reinforce theoreti-cal foundations; 2) put practical verification into empirical research; 3) value methods, strengthen quantitative re-search; 4) put forward the future prospect of sports ecology (environment) discipline construction.
Key words: sports ecology;ecological environment;ecological civilization;review

