(1.盐城工学院 运动训练复杂性科学研究中心,江苏 盐城 224051;2.南京体育学院 奥林匹克学院,江苏 南京 210024) 摘 要:从第一代认知科学离身范式向第二代认知科学具身范式转变,旨在强调身体、动作、情境在认知过程中的重要性,由此引发了运动技能科学研究的新视角。从第二代认知科学的视角出发,基于具身认知论对运动技能习得过程进行具身性考察。结果表明:运动技能的学习与形成是具身的,不是大脑的简单程序,而是一个复杂的动力学系统,即大脑-身体-环境相互作用的动态系统,具有整体性、非线性、动态性、涌现性与生成性等特性。同时,运动技能形成过程中的一些难题可通过运动技能的具身观进行重新阐释,以此拓展现代运动技能科学研究的新进路。 |
QIU Nai-min1,QIU Suo2
(Sports Training Complexity Science Research Center,Yancheng Institute of Technology,Yancheng 224051,China;2.Olympic College,Nanjing Sport Institute,Nanjing 210024,China) Abstract: The transformation of the first generation of cognitive science from the disembodied paradigm to the embodied paradigm of the second generation of cognitive science aims at emphasizing the importance of the body, the movement and the scenario in the process of cognition, thus triggering a new perspective for sports skill scien-tific research. From the perspective of the second generation of cognitive science, based on the embodied cognition theory, the author carried out an embodied examination on the process of scientific acquisition of sports skills. The results indicate the followings: sports skill learning and formation are embodied, not simple procedures of the brain, but a complex dynamic system, i.e. a dynamic system of the integration of the brain–the body–the environment, having such characteristics as integral, nonlinear, dynamic, emergent and generative etc. In the mean time, some “difficult issues” in the process of sports skill formation can be reinterpreted through the view of embodiment of sports skills, thus expands new approaches to modern sports skill scientific research are expanded. |