(巢湖学院 体育学院,安徽 合肥 238000) 摘 要:对中、英两国青少年足球运动等级标准进行比较,旨在概括两国标准的特点,促进相互借鉴与学习。研究发现,英国青少年足球运动等级标准的内容体系比中国的周详、充实,力求突出“享受足球带来的快乐,培养‘足球绅士’”的理念,而中国标准更多关注的是“达标”;中国标准不分年龄只分为5个等级共测试25项,而英国分成10个年龄组别,每个组别的6个测试项目皆相同。在评分方式上,英国采取单一的量化形式,而中国以量化评价为主,辅以主观定性评量;英国比较侧重青少年的转身能力,其次是射门技术,而中国侧重于对比赛能力的观察,其次是运球及踢球。英国经验给我国的启示:树立正确的评价观以引领学生积极快乐地投入到足球运动中;加强足球文化建设,为校园足球的可持续发展创造良好的人文环境;规范与改进测试项目和方法,提高评价质量。 |
HUANG Shou-jun
(School of Physical Education,Chaohu University,Hefei 238000,China) Abstract: The authors compared Chinese and British teenager football ranking standards, so as to summarize the charac-teristics of the two national standards, and to promote mutual referring and learning. By studying the author revealed the findings: the content system of the British teenager football ranking standard is more detailed and substantial than that of the Chinese standard, striving to highlight the joy brought by football, and to cultivate the philosophy of “football gentle-man”, while the Chinese standard focuses more on “meeting the standard”; in the Chinese standard, there are totally 25 test items in 5 rankings, but no age groups, while in the British standard, there are 10 age groups, and 6 test items for every group are the same; in terms of scoring, the British standard adopts a single quantitative form, while the Chinese standard is based mainly on quantitative evaluation, coupled with subjective qualitative evaluation; the British standard emphasizes more on teenagers’ body turning ability, and secondly their shooting technique, while the Chinese standard emphasizes more on the observation of competition ability, and secondly ball dribbling and kicking. The British experience gives China the following inspirations: establish a correct evaluation view to guide students to engage in football actively and happily; strengthen football culture construction, create a nice cultural environment for the sustainable development of campus football; standardize and improve test items and methods, enhance evaluation quality. |