(1.上海体育学院 体育教育训练学院,上海 200438;2.长沙师范学院 体育系,湖南 长沙 410100;3.大阪体育大学 大学院部,大阪 〒590-0496) 摘 要:针对“我国足球青训应向日本学习,走以学校青训为主的模式”的观点进行考证和分析。日本已基本完成由学校青训向职业俱乐部青训的演变,其中学校青训主导时期分为业余阶段、半职业阶段和职业阶段;职业俱乐部青训主导时期分为孕育阶段、初成阶段和成型阶段。日本足球青训演变表明,随着足球职业化的发展,学校青训的地位不断下降,职业俱乐部青训逐渐占据主导地位,而业余俱乐部青训是不可或缺的中坚力量。建议我国理顺青训系统各部分之间关系,促进协同发展:校园足球青训不能越俎代庖,职业俱乐部青训要自力更生,对业余青训要加大支持。 |
(1.School of Physical Education and Training,Shanghai University of Sports,Shanghai 200438,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Changsha Normal University,Changsha 410100,China; 3.Osaka Institute of Physical Education,Osaka 590-0496,Japan) Abstract: The authors examined and analyzed such a view as that “youth football training in China should learn from Japan, and follow the school youth training dominating mode”. Japan has basically completed the evolution from school youth training to professional club youth training, in which the school youth training dominating period is divided into an amateur stage, a semiprofessional stage and a professional stage; the professional club youth training dominating period is divided into an embryonic stage, an early accomplishment stage and a mature stage. The evolution of youth football training in Japan indicates that with the development of football professionalization, the status of school youth training is declining constantly, professional club youth training becomes dominating gradually, while amateur club youth training is an indispensible backbone force. The authors proposed that China should smooth the relationship between various parts in the youth training system, and promote their coordinated development: campus youth football training should not exceed its authority, professional club youth training should be self-independent, while amateur youth training should be vigorously supported. |