(1.广东第二师范学院 体育学院,广东 广州 510303,2.深圳市福田区教育科学研究院,广东 深圳 518040) 摘 要:中国学生发展核心素养总体框架及基本内涵是立德树人根本任务的具体化,它贯穿于各学段,体现在各学科。学生发展核心素养与体育与健康学科存在着广泛而深刻的联系,它要求全方位渗透“以学生发展为中心”的价值嬗变,进而落实体育与健康课程实施的二次校准。健康生活核心素养导向下,体育与健康课堂教学要做到效益精准化、效果实效化、效率最优化,同时要注重发挥课外体育锻炼和竞赛的独特作用。 |
ZHANG Xi-qian1,ZHANG Shi-yi2
(1.School of Physical Education,Guangdong University of Education,Guangzhou 510303,China;2.Shenzhen Futian Education Science Research Institute,Shenzhen 518040,China) Abstract: The general framework and basic connotations of core attainments for Chinese student development are the specification of the basic tasks of moral establishment and student cultivation, they go through all study stages, and embody in all disciplines. Core attainments for study development have an extensive and profound connection to physical education and health discipline, they require to comprehensively permeate the value transmutation of “basing the center on student development”, and then to implement the secondary calibration of physical education and health curriculum implementation. Under the guidance of core attainments for healthy life, physical education and health classroom teaching should make benefit precise, effect actual and efficiency optimal, and in the mean time, focus on exerting the unique functions of extracurricular physical exercise and competition. |