(1.西安体育学院 健康科学系,陕西 西安 710068;2.西安体育学院 运动训练系,陕西 西安 710068) 摘 要:运用文献资料法、专家调查法和层次分析法对校园足球工作评价指标体系进行研究,建立了由制度与管理保障、校园足球育人、校园足球普及、文化学习与足球技能共同发展、青少年足球人才规模化成长和师资队伍建设等6个一级指标、18个二级指标、31个三级指标构成的指标体系。运用统计软件MCE-AHP计算判断矩阵一致性指标并检验矩阵的一致性,计算出各具体指标的权重系数,进而确定各项指标相对总目标“校园足球工作”的合成权重。以测量评价理论为依据,按照五级量表的方式将三级指标评分标准分为5个等级,依次赋予相应的分值。每项三级指标的评分标准都经过了文献研究、专家调查和实证应用3个环节,最终得以确定。 |
LI Ling1,FANG Cheng2,HUANG Qian2
(1.Department of Health Science,Xi’an Physical Education University,Xian 710068,China;2.Department of Sports Training,Xi’an Physical Education University,Xian 710068,China) Abstract: By applying literature data method, expert investigation method and analytic hierarchy process, the au-thors studied a campus football work evaluation index system, established an index system consisting of 6 level one indexes such as system and management assurance, campus football for student education, campus football popu-larization, culture learning and football skill joint development, teenager football talent sizable growth and teacher team construction, 18 level two indexes and 31 level three indexes. By using statistical software MCE-AHP, the au-thors calculated and determined matrix consistency indexes and verified matrix consistency, calculated the weight coefficients of various specific indexes, and then determined the synthetic weights of various indexes relative to the general objective “campus football work”. Based on measurement evaluation theory as the foundation, according to the way of five-level scale, the authors divided level three index scoring standard into 5 classes, and respectively gave them a corresponding value. The scoring standard of every level three index was finally determined after it had gone through such 3 processes as literature study, expert investigation and empirical application. |