(1.华东师范大学 体育与健康学院/出版社/国资处,上海 200062;2.南京工业大学 浦江学院基础教学部,江苏 南京 211134;3.上海财经大学 数学学院,上海 200433) 摘 要:利用有关调查问卷和量表,对我国171所高校的8 208名研究生有关体育锻炼行为进行调查研究,同时采用因子分析法对影响研究生体育锻炼行为的19项指标因素进行分析。研究认为,外部环境因子、自身压力与健康因子、自身动机与能力因子是影响研究生体育锻炼行为的3个主因子。从影响研究生体育锻炼行为的各因子出发,提出了改善研究生体育锻炼行为并促进其全面健康的有关建议。 |
XIA Xiang-wei1,HUANG Jin-ling2,LIU Dan3
(1.School of Sports and Health,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China;2.Department of Basic Education,College of Pujiang,Nanjing Technology University,Nanjing 211134,China;3.School of Mathematics,Shanghai University of Finance of Economics,Shanghai 200433,China) Abstract: By utilizing related questionnaire and self-report inventory, the authors investigated and studied the physical exercise behaviors of 8 208 graduate students at 171 universities in China, and by applying the factor analysis method, carried out factor analysis on 19 index factors that affect graduate students’ physical exercise be-haviors. The authors concluded that external environment factor, self pressure and health factor, as well as self mo-tive and ability factor, are 3 main factors that affect graduate students’ physical exercise behaviors. Starting with various factors that affect graduate students’ physical exercise behaviors, the authors put forward related proposals for improving graduate students’ physical exercise behaviors and promoting their comprehensive health. |