(1.东北师范大学 体育学院,吉林 长春 130024;2.西安理工大学 体育部,陕西 西安 710048) 摘 要:以专业组、中等水平组和新手组定向运动员为被试者,考察不同水平定向运动员在识别定向地图过程中记忆提取与情景转换以及地图基本符号信息记忆提取与转换的正确率、反应时,同时对记忆提取与转换的错误选项分布进行分析,评估不同水平运动员视空间记忆的情景识别能力,探究运动员在地图记忆与情景识别过程中对地图信息的加工策略,为科学制定运动训练方案提供理论依据。结果显示:专业组运动员在地图信息情景的提取与转换能力上表现出了较高的水平,情景转换能力较强,识别反应能力较快;中等水平运动员在比赛地图情景中实景转换能力与专业组有一定差距,应加强比赛地图信息的实景转换能力的训练;地图基本符号的识别能力和地图信息记忆的加工策略制约着定向运动员的情景识别能力;专业组与中等组定向运动员在地图情景识别过程中更多采用整体记忆策略,新手组多采用局部记忆策略。结果说明:有针对性地改变运动员识图记忆策略将有助于改善定向运动员对地图信息加工的认识,有效提高运动员的识图能力。 |
LIU Yang1,2,HE Jin-peng1
(1.School of Physical Education,North East Normal University,Changchun 130024,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Xian University of Technology,Xian 710048,China) Abstract: Basing the testees on the orienteers in a professional group, a medium level group and a rookie group, the authors examined the memory retrieval and scenario switching as well as basic map symbol information memory retrieval and switching correctness rate and response time of the orienteers at different levels in the process of iden-tifying the orienteering maps, and analyzed the distribution of wrong options of memory retrieval and switching, evaluated the ability of the orienteers at different levels to identify scenarios in visual space memory, probed into the orienteers’ map information processing strategies in the process of map memorization and scenario identification, so as to provide theoretical reference for establishing sports training plans scientifically. The results reveal the follow-ings: the athletes in the professional group showed higher performance in terms of map information scenario re-trieving and switching ability, their scenario switching ability was stronger, and their identification response was faster; as compared with the athletes in the professional group, the athletes at the medium level had a poorer ability to switch to real scenes from competition map scenarios, should strengthen training for the ability to switch to real scenes from competition map information; basic map symbol identifying ability and map information memory processing strategies restricted the orienteers’ scenario identifying ability; in the process of map scenario identifica-tion, most of the orienteers in the professional group and medium level group adopted the overall memorizing strat-egy, while most of the orienteers in the rookie group adopted the local memorizing strategy. The results indicate that changing the orienteers’ map identifying and memorizing strategies in a targeted way will be conducive to improv-ing their understanding of map information processing, and effectively enhancing their map identifying ability. |