(桂林师范高等专科学校 体育教学部,广西 桂林 541001) 摘 要:梳理国外静态行为问卷测量工具的研究进展情况,为我国相关研究提供参考。国外静态行为问卷测量工具由过去的“单一指标方式”转为现在的“综合测量方式”;一些特定环境下的测量工具在实际研究中表现良好,但仍存在测量的效度、周中时间(周一至周五)测量的准确性高于周末等问题。我国在研制静态行为问卷测量工具时要充分借鉴国外经验,开发出适合我国不同人群的综合性测量工具。 |
WANG Guang,GUO Zhen
(School of Physical Education,Guilin Normal College,Guilin 541001,China) Abstract: The authors collated the information of static behavior questionnaire measurement tool research devel-opments overseas, so as to provide reference for related researches in China. Overseas static behavior questionnaire measurement tools have been transformed from “single index manner” in the past to “comprehensive measurement manner” nowadays; measurement tools under some specific environments worked well in actual researches, but there were still some problems, such as measurement validity, the accuracy of measurements made on weekdays (Monday through Friday) was higher than that made on weekends, etc. When developing static behavior measure-ment tools, China should, by fully referring to the predecessors’ experiences, develop comprehensive measurement tools which are suitable for different groups of people in China. |