(1.安徽师范大学 体育学院,安徽 芜湖 241000;2.华东师范大学 青少年健康评价与运动干预教育部重点实验室,上海 200241) 摘 要:将4种青少年力量素质评价指标与标准测试相比较,筛选出效度高的评价指标,为我国青少年力量素质评价提供参考。选取85名非体育专业大学一年级学生,利用BIODEX等动测力仪、Telemyo2400DTS16通道表面肌电系统等仪器,测试了学生屈腿硬拉、下肢蹬力、屈臂力量、髋关节伸肌力量、引体向上、握力等指标数据,进行回归分析。结果发现男生屈腿硬拉与实验室标准测试指标下肢蹬力相关系数达到0.913,与实验室标准测试指标髋关节伸肌力量相关系数为0.653,与实验室标准测试指标屈臂力量相关系数为0.724;女生屈腿硬拉与实验室标准测试指标下肢蹬力相关系数达到0.745,与实验室标准测试指标髋关节伸肌力量相关系数为0.463,与实验室标准测试指标屈臂力量相关系数为0.559。结果说明屈腿硬拉可以作为全身肌肉力量素质评价指标。 |
YUE Jian-jun1,GAO Sheng1,GONG Jun-li1,CHENG Zhou-ming2
(1.School of Physical Education,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000,China;2.Key Laboratory of Adolescent Health Assessment and Exercise Intervention Ministry of Education Sport and Health Deparment, East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China) Abstract: The author compared 4 types of teenager strength quality evaluation indexes with standard tests, and screened out high validity evaluation indexes, so as to provide reference for Chinese teenager strength quality evaluation. The authors selected 85 freshmen not majoring in physical education, used instruments such as BIODEX ISOIINETIC dynamometer and Telemyo2400DTS16 channel surface myoelectricity system to test such index data of the students as flexion leg hard pull, lower limb stamping strength, flexion arm strength, hip joint extensor strength, pull-up and grip strength, carried out a regression analysis, and revealed the following findings: as for the male stu-dents’ flexion leg hard pull, its coefficient of correlation with lower limb stamping strength as a laboratory standard test index was up to 0.913, its coefficient of correlation with hip joint extensor strength as a laboratory standard test index was 0.653, its coefficient of correlation with flexion arm strength as a laboratory standard test index was 0.724; as for the female students’ flexion leg hard pull, its coefficient of correlation with lower limb stamping strength as a laboratory standard test index was up to 0.745, its coefficient of correlation with hip joint extensor strength as a laboratory standard test index was 0.463, its coefficient of correlation with flexion arm strength as a laboratory standard test index was 0.559. The said findings indicate that flexion leg hard pull can be used as a whole body muscle strength quality evaluation index. |