(广东水利电力职业技术学院 体育部,广东 广州 510635) 摘 要:面对老龄化社会,提出老年人体育研究应着重老年人标准再探讨、面对工作的老年人和不工作的老年人、关注空巢老人与流动老人、重新思考老年人的体育消费,以及老年人体育研究要为推进健康老龄化做贡献等几个急需解决问题的研究。 |
YE Tiao-feng
(Department of Physical Education,Guangdong Technical College of Water度Resources and Electric, Guangzhou 510635,China) Abstract: Aiming at an aging society, the author made a study of several issues urgently needed to be solved: eld-erly sports researches should focus on elderly standard reconsideration, study the working and non-working elderly, care the empty nest elderly and mobile elderly, rethink the elderly’s sports consumption, and that elderly sports re-searches should make a contribution to promoting healthy aging. |