(1.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006;2.广东教育学院 体育系,广东 广州 510303;3.广州大学 旅游学院,广东 广州 510006;4.暨南大学 外国语学院,广东 广州 510632) 摘 要:在北美地区,体育学界认为Kinesiology是体育学科的名称,但是对该观点也存在争议;在什么是Kinesiology核心和内涵等界定上也面临着困境,在对此争鸣的基础上,一些美国学者提出了解决困境的基本理念和方法;一些美国学者对Kinesiology作为体育学科名称的美国高校评估进行了探索,提出了改进的方法。初步得出了在北美地区体育学科名称术语的变迁,是与北美地区体育学者对科学的解读密不可分,即Kinesiology更接近科学本义——可重复性,这使得Kinesiology逐步成为北美地区体育学科的通用名称。 |
WANG Guang-jin1,BI Jin-jie2,WANG Rui3,XIANG You-ming4,TAN Guang-xin1
(1.School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Guangdong Institute of Education,Guangzhou 510303,China;3.Tour School,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou 510006,China;4.Foreign Languages School,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632,China) Abstract: In the mainstream view of the sport community in the north America region, kinesiology is considered as a designation in the sport discipline, but there are debates about such a view, and also dilemmas in such issues as what are the core and connotation of kinesiology. On the basis of such argumentation, some US scholars put forward basic conceptions and methods for resolving such dilemmas; some US scholars probed into the evaluation of US in-stitutes of higher learning that use kinesiology as a designation in the sport discipline, and put forward methods for improvement. It is preliminarily concluded the change of designations in the sport discipline in the north America region is inseparably related to the interpretation of science by sport scholars in the north America region, i.e. kine-siology is closer to the original meaning of science – repeatability, which enables kinesiology to gradually become a general designation in the sport discipline in the north America region. |