(1.佛山科学技术学院 体育学院,广东 佛山 528000;2.广东省体育局 竞体处,广东 广州 510056) 摘 要:对珠江三角洲城市体育先进社区体育活动点进行调查与分析,发现城市体育先进社区体育活动点多分布于小区空地、公共体育场所、公园(共占72.97%);活动时间集中于早(占64.86%)、晚(占27.03%);活动内容主要以不需要特殊器械的如健身操、舞蹈、太极拳为主;参与人数在21~40人的活动点居多,占78.38%;参加者中男性占39.38%,女性占60.62%;年龄比较集中在56~65岁,占44.98%。认为先进社区体育活动点仍存在组织管理、体育指导的不足,应充分整合和利用社区和学校资源。 |
GAO Jian-lei1,LIU Yong-feng1,LU Yi2
(1.School of Physical Education,Foshan University,Foshan 528000,China; 2.Department of Sports,Guangdong Sports Bureau,Guangzhou 510056,China) Abstract: The authors investigated and analyzed sports activity corners in sport leading communities in the Pearl River Delta area, and revealed the following findings: sports activities corners in sport leading communities in the cities are mostly distributed in empty spaces, public sports playgrounds and parks in the communities (72.97%); major activity times are in the morning (64.86%) and evening (27.03%); 39.38% of the participants are male, while 60.62% of the participants are female, most of the participant (44.98%) are at the age of 56~65. The authors consid-ered that sports activity corners in sport leading communities still didn’t do well in organizational management and sports guidance, and that resources in the communities and schools should be fully integrated and utilized. |