(河南大学 体育学院,河南 开封 475001) 摘 要:以河南省12所本科院校的单项体育社团为研究对象,在现状调查基础上,以管理学相关理论为参考,从组织资源角度探讨河南省高校体育社团的管理模式。提出:充分利用学校体育资源,改善社团骨干培养机制、完善各种管理制度、突出体育社团特色、健全体育社团管理机制、加强社团与学校其他部门的工作协调等。 |
QU Tian-min,LI Qiao-ling
(School of Physical Education,Henan University,Kaifeng 475001,China) Abstract: By basing their research subject on single event sports associations of 12 institutes of higher learning in Henan province, on the basis of current state investigation, and by referring to related theories in the science of management, the authors probed into modes of management of college sports associations in Henan from the per-spective of organizational resource, and put forward the following suggestions: fully utilize scholastic physical edu-cation resources; improve association principal cultivation mechanism; perfect various management systems; high-light sports association features; complete sports association management mechanism; strengthen job harmonization between the associations and other departments in schools. |