(1.广东体育职业技术学院 社会体育系,广东 广州 510663;2.军事体育进修学院 军事体育发展战略研究中心,广东 广州 510500) 摘 要:比较我国体育职业技术教育与体育本科教育培养目标,认为我国体育职业技术教育目标留下了太重的体育本科教育痕迹,现在体育职业技术教育的目标定位,缺少市场细分成果的支撑等,提出体育职业技术教育目标研究,应纳入体育和教育发展的基础工程,坚持与职业、市场和实际需要紧密结合,从而努力开创中国特色的体育职业技术教育的发展之路。 |
LAI Jing1,LI Ming2
(1.Department of Social Sports,Guangdong Vocational Institute of Sport,Guangzhou 510663,China;2.Center of Sports Social Science,PLA Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510500,China) Abstract: The authors compared and analyzed cultivation objectives of occupational physical education and regular college physical education in China, considered that objectives of occupational physical education in China are too similar to objectives of regular college physical education, and that objective orientation of occupational physical education nowadays is lacking in the support of subdivided market achievements, and pointed out that the study of objectives of occupational physical education should be brought into the basic engineering of the development of sport and education, and closely combined with the occupation, market and actual needs, thus trying to open up a path to the development of occupational physical education with Chinese features. |