(湖南师范大学 体育学院,湖南 长沙 410012) 摘 要:运用文献资料、专家访谈等对我国体育学博士研究生招生单位的校名数量、地域布局、招生单位属性、学科专业、研究方向以及教育质量等问题进行初步研究。目前,我国普通高校体育学博士研究生单位区域布局、单位类别、学科专业、研究方向和教育质量处于不均衡状态,要注重体育学博士研究生教育的机会平等,尤其是起点公平;要注重教育规律与市场规律的和谐发展;注重体育学科评价体系的建构;注重单科体育院校、师范类院校和综合类院校之间的资源整合、强强联合、优劣互补,促进体育学研究生教育的发展。 |
ZHANG Heng-bo,LI Yan-ling
(School of Physical Education,Hunan Normal University,Changsha 410012,China) Abstract: By using such research methods as literature study and expert interview, the authors made a preliminary study of the quantity, regional layout, attribute, discipline, research orientation and education quality regarding in-stitutes that recruit doctoral postgraduates majoring in the science of physical education in China. At present, the re-gional layout, institute category, discipline and major, research orientation and education quality regarding the said institutes are in a unbalanced state, so we should pay attention to opportunity equity for the education of doctoral postgraduates majoring in the science of physical education, especial start point fairness, to harmonious develop-ment of education patterns and market patterns, to the construction of physical education discipline evaluation sys-tem, and to resource integration, cooperation and complementation between specialized institutes of physical educa-tion, institutes in normal category and institutes in comprehensive category, so as to boost the development of post-graduates majoring in the science of physical education. |