(周口师范学院 公体部,河南 周口 466000) 摘 要:对河南省高校体育教师职业倦怠状况及其与职业自我概念的关系进行了研究。结果表明:1)河南省高校体育教师的职业倦怠程度整体上并不严重,情绪衰竭相对突出。2)体育教师的职业倦怠与职业自我概念存在显著相关。3)职业自我概念中工作满意、师生关系和人际知觉对职业倦怠有显著的预测作用。 |
HAO Ming
(Department of Physical Education,Zhoukou Normal College,Zhoukou 466000,China) Abstract: The author studied the status of occupational ennui of college physical education teachers in Henan province and its relation with the occupational self concept, and revealed the following findings: 1) in an overall sense the degree of occupational ennui of college physical education teachers in Henan province is not serious, but their emotional exhaustion is relatively evident; 2) occupational ennui of physical education teachers is significantly correlative with the occupational self concept; 3) the job satisfaction, teacher and student relationship and interper-sonal perception in the occupational self concept play a significant role in predicting occupational ennui. |