(洛阳师范学院 体育学院,河南 洛阳 471022) 摘 要:传统太极拳原有的传播方式多以门派为载体,呈线性传播模式,存在一定的局限性;但是,门派流派纷呈是传统文化的个性表现,不可全盘否定;传统太极拳术是一个完整的系统,它的健身价值已经得到广泛的挖掘和传播,而其流派师承、技击、传统训练、传统文化等一系列内容的保护工作刻不容缓。若要摆脱困难,就必须顺应市场经济发展的潮流,依靠自身价值的产业化转变,走流派师承的传播方式和市场经济控制的俱乐部运营模式相协调的道路。由部分的发展带动整体继承,这是时代发展的必然选择。 |
CHUI Sui-tang
(School of Physical Education,Luoyang Normal Institute,Luoyang 471022,China) Abstract: Most of original communication modes of traditional shadowboxing base their carrier on clique, showing a linear communication mode, having certain limitations. However, the occurrence of different cliques or circles is the expression of individuality of traditional culture, should not be totally denied; traditional shadowboxing is a compete system, whose fitness system has been widely communicated, while the job of protection of a series of complete systems of shadowboxing, such as clique inheritance, boxing techniques, traditional training and tradi-tional culture, should never be delayed. To get out of difficulties, shadowboxing should follow the trend of devel-opment of market economy, depend on the transformation of its own value into industrialized value, and get on the track of harmonized development of clique inheritance communication modes and club running modes controlled by market economy. It is an inevitable choice of the development of the time to drive overall inheritance by partial de-velopment communication. |