(河北科技师范学院 体育系,河北 秦皇岛 066004) 摘 要:冀东地区农村体育在健身项目的选择上呈现多样性和传统性,在健身场所的选择上呈现随意性和天然性,在健身行为上表现为自发性和盲目性,在健身消费上呈现保守性。今后冀东新农村体育应该走与生产劳动、文化艺术、生态旅游、企业、家庭、发展典型相结合的发展道路。 关 键 词:农村体育;体育发展模式;冀东地区 中图分类号:G812.42 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2007)06-0032-03 |
LI Hui-zeng,ZHAO Xiao-hong,WANG Xiang-dong
(Department of Physical Education,Hebei Normal Institute of Science and Technology,Qinhuangdao 066004,China) Abstract: With regard to sports in new rural areas in eastern region of Hebei province, fitness events are selected diversely and traditionally, fitness places are selected randomly and naturally, fitness behaviors are spontaneous and blind, and fitness consumption is conservative. The development of sports in new rural areas in eastern region of Hebei province henceforward should get on the track of the development mode in which “labor production, cultural art, ecologic tourism, enterprise, family, and development model” are combined. |