(山西师范大学 体育学院,山西 临汾 041000) 摘要: 20世纪90年代是中国体育社会学一个非同寻常的快速发展时期,其学科进入独立发展阶段,学术研究更加关注我国社会经济发展和体育改革与发展的实际,体育社会学开始走向成熟。通过回顾体育社会学在20世纪90年代体育改革与发展的大背景之下,各领域的主要学术进展,总结其发展历程、特点。 关键词:体育社会学; 体育科研; 中国 中图分类号:G80-05文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2004)01-0041-04 |
FENG Xiao-li
(College of Physical Education, Shanxi Teachers’University,Linfen 041000,China) Abstract: ninties of 20th centry was a special fast development of Chinese sports sociology period,it entered independence development stage,scholarship research paid more attention to the developnent of our country society economy and to the status of PE,and the sports sociology head for the maturity.Through looking back the sports sociology of ninties of 20th centry and main scholarship that develoe under that big background, summiy up the process, characteristics of its development. |