(1.北京体育大学 研究生院,北京 100084; 2.廊坊师范学院 体育系,河北 廊坊 056000) 摘要:分析我国当前中小学体育课程改革的时代特色和发展趋势,提出完整合理的中小学体育课程应以拥有丰富的文化价值为取向,其趋势表现为由现代化的逻辑线索和人文性的价值脉络整合而成。 关键词:中小学体育; 课程改革; 人文性 中图分类号: G807.31;G633.96文献标识码:A文章编号: 1006-7116(2004)01-0135-03 |
ZHEN Zhi-ping1, WEI Qi-wang2
(1.Graduate Department, Beijing University of Physical Education,Beijing 100084,China; 2.Department of Physical Education,Langfang Teacher's College,Langfang 056000,China) Abstract: Elementary education is the foundation of the whole educational system,and it related to improve the entire quality of our nation.During the transitional period of China,the reformation of PE elementary curriculum has two tendencies.That is,modernization and humanism. |