(广东青年干部学院 基础部,广东 广州 510507) 摘要:中国的体育文化和西方存在着很大的差别,其中所蕴涵的人文精神也很独特,中国的体育人文精神主要表现在以人为本和天人合一两个方面,对它加以批判地继承和发展有利于新时期中国体育文化的良性化发展。 关键词:中国; 体育文化; 人文精神 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2004)04-0030-03 |
CHEN Shao-yu
(Basic Department,Guangdong College of Young Cadres,Guangzhou 5 10507,China) Abstract: China's sports culture is greatly different from that of the West.As well,the humanity spirit contained in China's sports culture is unique. It lays stress on two aspects: people foremost and the unity of the heaven and p eople.To critically inherit and develop this kind of spirit will best serve the favorable development of China's sports culture in the new era. |