(石河子大学商学院 体育教研室,新疆 五家渠 831300) 摘要:对新疆回族集中地昌吉回族自治州、伊犁哈萨克自治州的市、县城乡不同人群、不同性别的1 500名成人健康状况和体育锻炼现状进行问卷调查。结果表明:回族成人健康状况和参与体育锻炼状况都不容乐观,患病率女性高于男性,城市高于农村。总体上,回族人群体育锻炼意识不强,参与体育锻炼的积极性不高,各地政府应给予相应的重视和支持。 关键词:新疆; 回族成人; 健康; 体育锻炼 中图分类号: G812.745;G806文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2004)02-0036-03 |
LI Jun-ying, MA Hai-jiang, SUN Li
(Department of Physical Education, Business College of Shihezi University,Wujiaqu 831300,China) Abstract: The questionnaire on the health situation and the physical training status in different crowds and sex of 1500 adults in the Hui Autonomous Region of Changji and the kazak Autonomous Region of Yili was investigated in Xinjiang.The results indicated that it is not optimistic at both the situation of the healthy and participating in physical training of the adults in the Hui,the rates of being ill of the women and the citizen is higher than that of the men and the courtryfolks.In a word,the consciousness of healthy and the participating in physical training are poor,each government should offer corresponding attention and supports. |