(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510631) 摘要:通过对2000年欧洲足球锦标赛前8强和中国2001年甲A、甲B全国足球联赛前8强球队的比赛观察和统计,发现攻守兼备的532阵形已经逐步替代风行多年的442阵式。532阵形的最大变化是最大程度地激活了两个边后卫,使他们在攻守中运用更灵活的方式参与进攻和防守。 关键词:足球; 边后卫; 足球进攻; 足球防守 中图分类号:G843.19 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2004)03-0102-03 |
HUANG Xiang-ye
(College of Physical Education and Sport Science,South China No rmal University,Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract:The shape 5-3-2,which combinates defenses with offe nses,has been gradually replacing the shape 4-4-2 which was popular for many ye ars according to the documental research and the matcher investigation and stati stics of the first 8 teams of 2000 European tournament and 2001 Chinese soccer l eague A and B. The largest changes of the shape 5-3-2 were to activate two wide defenders to the most extent, which made them join defenses and offenses in a mo re flexible way. |