(山东理工大学 体育系,山东 济南 255049) 摘要:结合新时代提出的多维健康观和生命观,对以“形神兼练”、“性命双修”为核心,以呼吸、意念及肢体运动的完美配合为基本特征的东方传统体育进行分析,统计中国历代帝王和道教相关人物的寿命,说明以强调人类肉体与精神统一、“天人合一”为指导思想的传统体育锻炼方法在人体健康方面有着显著效果,面对日益高涨的通过体育促进健康、关爱生命的大众体育健身热潮,东方传统体育必将以独特的方式对人类的健康长寿发挥更大的作用。 关键词:东方传统体育; 健康长寿; 保健; 养生; 锻炼方法 中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2004)04-0059-03 |
ZHANG Yong-jun, YANG Xiu-qing, SONG Guang-chun, LI Ming-xiao, LIU Ying
(Department of Physical Education,Shandong University of Techno logy,Jinan 255049,China) Abstract: Integrating the new views of multidimensional health and lif e,the present study analyzed the eastern traditional sports, featured by the per fect cooperation of breath, idea and limbs sports, as well as the core pitch of “both physical and mental practice” and “both soul and carnival construction ”, counted the ages of Taoism Chinese Emperors and found that the eastern tradi tional sports played a significantly effective role in keeping-healthy.As the ma ss's fix-keeping has become more and more popular,the eastern traditional sports will play a unique role in human's health career. Key words:eastern traditional sports; good health and long lif e; health protection; keep in good health; exercise method |