(华南师范大学 政法学院,广东 广州 510631) 摘要:孔子的养生思想表现了对生命价值的关注、对提高国民素质的倡导以及对休闲健身的追求,展示了积极、入世的人生态度,提出了具备鲜明儒家特色的养生方法,有着不容忽视的启发意义与现代价值。 关键词:孔子; 养生; 国民素质; 休闲; 健身 中图分类号:B222.25 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2004)04-0062-03 |
(College of Politics and Law,South China Normal University,Guan gzhou 510631,China) Abstract:Confucius showed strong interest and embedded thoughts in ac tualizing the life value, enhancing the people's health and spirits, and pursuin g the entertainment and exercises, which showed an active and ambitious attitude to life.His thoughts had vivid Confucian characteristics and exerted a profoun d influence on modern society. Key words:Confucius; healthy keeping; peoples' health and spir its; entertainment; exercises |