(1.南京师范大学 体育科学学院,江苏 南京 210097; 2.华东师范大学 体育与健康学院,上海200062;3.南京大学 生物医药技术国家重点实验室,江苏 南京 210093) 摘要:丝裂原活化蛋白激酶信号系统(mitogen activated protein kinase,MAPKs)在细胞的信号传导中起着很重要的作用,其中以ERK1/2、JNK/SAPK、p38研究得最为深入。运动能够激活骨骼肌中MAPKs信号传导系统。不同运动方式、不同类型的肌肉可以影响到MAPKs的激活,而且激活后MAPKs具有不同的时相性。MAPKs对运动后骨骼肌的适应性变化具有重要作用。 关键词:运动; 丝裂原活化蛋白激酶信号系统; 骨骼肌 中图分类号:G804.7文献标识码: A文章编号: 1006-7116(2004)02-0136-03 |
YE Chun1, XU Hao-wen2, HE Zhi-jing3
(1.Department of Physical Education,Nanjing Normal University ,Nanjing 210097,China;2.College of Physical Education and Health,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China; 3.State Key Laboratory of Pharmacentical Biotechnology,Nanjing University,Nanjiang 210093,China) Abstract: MAPKs play important roles in cell signaling pathways.Within MAPKs,ERK、p38、JNK/SAPK became warmer point studies and are better known.Exercise can stimulate MAPKs.Different kinds of exercise and different types of skeletal muscle effect on stimulating MAPKs. MAPKs are involved in skeletal muscle adaption and have different time courses after exercise. |