(广州体育学院 成人教育部,广东 广州 510075) 摘要:通过访谈和问卷调查分析认为:广东省的成人体育教育,从教学计划、教学内容、教学评价、教学方法等均有待改进。并结合现代社会发展的实际,对成人教育的进一步发展提出了合理化的建议。 关键词:成人体育教育;教学改革;广东省 中图分类号:G812.765;G812.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)02-0076-02 |
HAN Hui-jun, DONG Liang, ZHU Jun-ping
(Adults Education Department ,Guangzhou Institute of PE, Guangzhou 510075,China) Abstract: The article made a study for PE.Main research methods are:interview and questionnaire.The showing:many aspects of adult education of Guangdong province—teaching plan,teaching content,teaching evaluation, teaching methods should be further improved.Based on the current situation of development, the author made corresponding suggestions. Key words: adult physical education;teaching reform;Guangdong Province |