(鞍山师范学院 体育部,辽宁 鞍山 114005) 摘要:对我国普通高校“传统型”、“俱乐部型”体育教学特点进行比较研究。俱乐部型体育教学是新时期新形势下体育教学改革出现的新事物,实施俱乐部型体育教学模式有利于增强大学生的体育意识、兴趣与爱好;有利于保持体育教学和课外锻炼的连续性;有利于把大学生的体育教育过程延伸到高等教育的全过程。近几年,我国部分高校结合本校的实际实施了体育教学俱乐部模式,并收到较好的效果,它必将成为面向21世纪我国高校最具有生命力的体育教学模式。 关键词:普通高校;体育俱乐部;体育教学 中图分类号:G807.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)02-0078-03 |
LIU Zhi-min
(Department of Physical Education,Anshan Teacher’s College,Anshan 114005,China) Abstract: This paper presents an overview on the comparison between “traditional”、“club-orientated” physical Education. It applies historical document, teaching experiment, questionnaire and methods of comparison to club-orientated physical Education. It is the new innovation result from the physical educational reform in the New Era. This pattern will increase the consciousness of college students in physical Education. Students’ interests will be highly stimulated. Also It will help keep the continuity between in-dais physical education and extracurricular activities. Thus, physical education of college students can be carried out to the end. In recent years, many colleges put it into force and have gotten a very good result. The cluborientated physical education will become the most energetic pattern of physical education in the 21th century. Key words: regular college; club-orientated pattern physical education; physical education teaching |