(西南交通大学 体育部,四川 成都610031) 摘要:在分析传统体育课成绩评定存在问题的基础上,提出了成绩评定应包括健康、“三基”、爱好及特长评价3个部分,进而建立了以标准分为基础,能表达学生体质和爱好及特长的学生体育成绩综合评定方法,对科学、有效地评定学生体育成绩进行了探讨。 关键词:体育教学; 体育成绩的评定; 体育成绩的构成 中图分类号: G807.01文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2003)04-0095-03 |
DONG Qiong
(Department of Physical Education, Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China) Abstract:Based on analysing the existing problem of the traditional evaluation of Physical Education, this paper proposes an idea that the evaluation of Physical Education score should include three parts: the health, “three bases”, evaluating of the hobby and specialty. On the basis of standard score, the synthetical method that can express student's constitution and the hobby and specialty is constructed.It discusses how to evaluate performance of physical education scientifically,effectively. |