(怀化高等师范专科学校 体育系,湖南 怀化418008) 摘要:针对体育教育专业体操普修课的传统考核方式忽视能力培养、忽视学生协作能力等弊端,提出“以赛代考”的考核方式,对“以赛代考”的形式以及内容的选择作了较为全面的探讨,旨在探求素质教育新形势下体操普修课如何合理运用考核导向性以促进学生综合素质的全面提高。 关键词:体操普修课;传统考核方式;以赛代考 中图分类号:G830.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)03-0073-03 |
FAN Guo-liang,PEN Qing-wen,YANG Ye-yang
(Department of Physical Education, Huaihua Normal Sch ool, Huaihua 418008,China) Abstract:The traditional exam pattern of elective gymnast ics course of physical education is short of quality and cooperation education. This paper puts forward a new exam pattern-“replacing exam with competition”, and discusses all-around the content and form of new exam pattern. The aim is to promote the student's composite quality utilizing rationally exam's directivity of elective gymnastics course in new situation of quality education. Key words:general gymnastics course;traditional exam pattern; replacing exam with competition |