(安阳师范学院 体育系,河南 安阳455000) 摘要:通过历史文献与实物史料相互印证,考察了少林寺第二任住持稠禅师幼年习武邺下定晋禅院和出家为僧的过程,论证了少林寺及我国历史上的寺院僧人习武活动与中华文化的关系,证明少林武术的开创与形成是对中华武术的继承和发展,同外来佛教高僧无关。 关键词:邺下武僧;定晋禅院;少林武术 中图分类号:G852 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)05-0062-03 |
MA Ai-min
(Department of Physical Education,Anyang Teachers University,Anyang 455000,China) Abstract: According to historical documents and material object’s proof each other,the paper investigates the course of that Buddhist Chou, the second leader of Shaolin Temple, practised Wushu in Yexia Dingjin Temple and becoming a monk and proves the relation between Shaolin Temple’s and other temple’s Wushu activities and the culture of China, and convincingly demonstrates that Shaolin Wushu’s creation and forming is Chinese Wushu’s inheritance and development, have nothing to do with Buddhist monks from foreign countries. Key words: Yexia’s monks;Dingjin temple;Shaolin Wushu |