(华中师范大学 公体部,湖北 武汉 430079) 摘要:研究考察了个体化和竞争情境下大学生不同成就动机倾向对操作技能的影响。被试者为110名师范大学学生。经成就动机倾向问卷测试将被试者分为追求成功动机者和避免失败动机者。随机选取32名被试者,追求成功与避免失败者各半。将情境类型设置为竞争情境和个体化情境。实验的因变量为双手协调技能的操作成绩。研究结论包括:在个体化情境下,追求成功动机者双手协调技能的操作时间短于避免失败成就动机者,且差异显著;在竞争情境下,追求成功动机者双手协调技能的操作时间短于避免失败成就动机者,且差异非常显著。 关键词:成就动机;个体化情境;竞争情境;大学生;操作技能 中图分类号:G804.8 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2002)01-0068-03 |
HOU Bin, ZHA Jing
(Department of Public Physical Education, Central China Normal University,Wuhan 430079,China) Abstract:This study examined the influence of different achievement motivation and reward structre on operating skills of college students.110 college students participated in the experiment.According to IDIAT subjects were divided into one group whose motive is to achieve success(MAS)and the other group whose motive is to avoid failure(MAF) Reward structure was set up competitive and individualistic reward structure.The dependent variable was the operating peformance of both hand corporation skills.The conclusion includes the operating time of subjects are MAS are significanly shorter than subjects from MAF in individualistic reward structure,the operating time of subjects from MAS are extrremely significantly shorter than subjects from MAF in competitive reward structre. |