(岳阳师范学院 体育系,湖南 岳阳 414000) 摘要:社会体育可持续发展是指在充分利用和不损害资源持续性基础上,在以人为中心的社会发展框架中,尊重个人意愿,以增强人民体质、增进身心健康、延长人的寿命为目的,满足人民群众的健美、娱乐、休闲、保健、医疗、康复、社交等多种需要。但是,目前我国在社会体育可持续发展方面还存在着落后的思想观念、不科学的管理体制、社会体育指导员素质不高等阻碍因素。要实现我国社会体育可持续发展,必须转变观念,建立科学的社会体育管理体制,正确引导体育消费,加强科学研究,提高社会体育指导队伍素质,使社会体育得以持续、健康地发展。 关键词:社会体育;可持续发展;因素;对策 中图分类号:G80.05文献标识码: A文章编号:1006-7116(2001)01-0033-04 |
NI Yi-ke
(Department of PE, Yueyang Normal College, Yueyang 414000,China) Abstract:Based on fully utilizing and not damaging resources constancy, the sustained growth of social physical culture is to respect individual wishes, to build up the people's constitution, to improve physical and mental health, to prolong people's life, to meet various needs of being strong and handsome, of entertainment and recreation, of medical treatment and health protection, and of social inter courses and convalescence in the social developing frame which centers on people. However, there do exist some obstacles such as outdated ideas, unscientific management system, poor qualities of social PE instructors. In order to realize the sustained growth of the social physical culture of our country, we must make the transition from the old conception to the new one, establish scientific management system of social physical culture, give correct guidance to PE consumption, reinforce researches into PE and finally improve the quality of social PE instructors. |