(河海大学常州校区 体育部,江苏 常州 200438) 摘要:在学校的教学过程中,每个学科的教学都不可能完全独立于其它学科而单独存在,各科的教学都有其共同和自身的规律、特点、原则和方法,都是多学科知识综合运用的过程。文章通过笔者的多年体育实践和对教学的深刻认识,用哲学辩证的观点,撇去学科教学之差异,提出学科教学之共性来认识教学,以达到提高教学质量之目的。 关键词:辩证统一;教学质量;主动性;自觉性;科学性;实效性 中图分类号:G807.01;G42文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2001)01-0117-03 |
DOU Yan-jun
(Plysical Education Department, Hohai University,Changzhou 213022, China) Abstract:In the school education, no subject teaching can exist wholly independent from other subjects. Each subject has its common as well as its own pattems, characteristics, principles and methods. They are the process of the comprehensive application of the multisubject knowledge. Based on the author's many years physical education teaching and profound knowledge of teach ing practice, using philosophically dialectical viewpoing, discarding the differences in the subject teaching, this article points out the general character in the subject teaching, in the subject teaching, this article points out the general character in the subject teaching, in order to understand the teaching better and improve the teaching quickly. Key words:dialectical unity; teaching quality; initiative; consciousness; scientific quality; effectiveness |