


李大帅 1 ,周悦 2 ,岳新坡 312 

(1.郑州师范学院 体育学院,河南 郑州 4500442.蒙古研究大学 教育学院,蒙古 乌兰巴托 1402013.首都体育学院 体育教育训练学院,北京 100191)  

要:采用文献资料、逻辑分析、文本分析等研究方法,研究了体育与健康数字教材建设 的价值诉求、逻辑理路与实践进路。研究认为:受益主体诉求体育与健康数字教材开放式学习供 给,助力体育教育公平;多样态呈现方式,还原体育知识真貌;智能化数字技术,服务体育教学 应用;践行新发展理念,回应新时代发展需求。体育与健康数字教材建设应遵循权威逻辑,固本 培元,强化质量硬实力;遵循政策逻辑,恪守正道,落实教育政策要求;遵循人本逻辑,开拓创 新,满足学练体验升级;遵循变革逻辑,立破并举,构建体育教育新生态。体育与健康数字教材 建设的实践进路:加强顶层设计,健全规章制度,为数字教材建设明确方向;围绕核心素养,构 筑功能支撑,优化数字教材功能体系;精进数字素养,促成建用互动,提升建用契合度;关注教 材全生命,推动管建联动,实现教材治理常态化。


中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0087-08 


The value appeal, logical path and practical approach of the construction on  physical education and health digital textbooks 

 LI Dashuai1ZHOU Yue2YUE Xinpo3

(1.School of Physical EducationZhengzhou Normal UniversityZhengzhou 450044China2.Institute of EducationGraduate University of MongoliaUlan Bator 140201Mongolia3.School of  Physical Education and TrainingCapital Institute of Physical Education and SportsBeijing 100191China)  

Abstract: By using the methods of literature, logical analysis and text analysis, this paper studies the value appeal,  logical path and practical approach of the construction on physical education and health digital textbooks. The  analysis shows that the beneficiaries demand the open learning supply of sports and health digital textbooks to help  the fairness of physical education; diverse forms of presentation restoring the true face of sports knowledge;  intelligent digital technology serving physical education teaching application; practicing the new development  concept and then responding to the development needs of the new era. The construction on digital textbooks for  physical education and health should follow the authoritative logic, consolidate the foundation and strengthen the  hard power of quality; following the policy logic, abiding by the right path and implementing the requirements of  education policy; following the humanistic logic, development and innovation, and meeting the upgrading of  learning and practice experience; following the logic of change, building and breaking at the same time, and also  building a new ecology of physical education. The practical approach of the construction on physical education and  health digital textbooks is further proposed as follows: strengthening the top-level design and improving the rules and regulations to clarify the direction for the construction on digital textbooks; around the core literacy and  building functional support to optimize the functional system of digital textbooks; improving digital literacy and  promoting construction-use interaction to enhance construction-use fit; and paying attention to the whole life of  textbooks and promoting the linkage of management and construction, so as to realize the normalization of textbook  governance. 

Keywords: school physical educationphysical education and healthdigital textbooksdigital transformation of  education
