7(苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州 215021)
摘 要:新《体育法》第 9 章第 92 条规定体育仲裁的受案范围,这是启动体育仲裁程序的先 决条件。研究认为从新《体育法》颁布前 5 年的司法判例看,体育仲裁机构设立势在必行,但从 立法意图和现实需要均可论证此机构具有补位属性。由体育纠纷救济的司法实践可知,针对非平 等主体间具备“体育特殊性”的纠纷,已有民商事仲裁、劳动仲裁和诉讼体系均无法全面发挥作 用,需要体育仲裁机构介入才能妥善处理。“问题导向”系体育仲裁坚持的价值选择,处罚类纠纷、 注册交流类纠纷和其他竞技体育纠纷共同构成体育仲裁的受案范围,未来需要细化 3 大领域的具 体适用标准。结合域外经验,建议降低受案范围条款的立法位阶,将体育仲裁机构受理纠纷的具 体类型置于《体育仲裁规则》或《体育仲裁当事人指引手册》中,建立“立法-规则-指引”相协 调的受案范围体系,以期体育仲裁机构更灵活处理体育实践中的纠纷。
关 键 词:体育法;体育仲裁;受案范围
中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0045-11
The analysis on article 92 with provision of case scope of sports arbitration for the newly-revised "Sports Law"
XIONG Yingzi
(School of Physical Education and sports,Soochow University,Suzhou 215021,China)
Abstract: The 92nd article of Chapter 9 of the new-revised Sports Law stipulates the scope of sports arbitration, which is a prerequisite for initiating the sports arbitration procedure in China. The research has found that the establishment of sports arbitration institutions is imperative based on judicial precedents from the past five years of the new-revised Sports Law, but both legislative intent and practical needs argue that this institution has a complementary function. Judicial practice in sports dispute resolution shows that existing arbitration and litigation systems in civil and commercial matters are unable to fully function in disputes with "sports specificity" among unequal parties. Therefore, the intervention of sports arbitration institutions is necessary for proper resolution. A "problem-oriented" approach is the value choice upheld by sports arbitration, with punitive disputes, registration and communication disputes, and other competitive sports disputes collectively forming the scope of sports arbitration. In the future, specific application standards need to be refined in these three major areas. Drawing on international experience, it is suggested to lower the legislative hierarchy of the scope of jurisdiction rules, placing the specific types of disputes accepted by sports arbitration institutions in the "sports arbitration rules" or "parties' guide manual", and also establishing a coordinated system of jurisdictional scope involving "legislation-rules-guidance", which is beneficial to enable sports arbitration institutions to more flexibly handle disputes in sports practice.
Keywords: sports law;sports arbitration;case scope