


(1.南昌大学 体育学院,江西 南昌  3300312.江西省体育局 体育科学医疗中心,江西 南昌  3300063.江西师范大学 体育学院,江西 南昌  330022)

      要:探讨采用等时替代模型模拟中高强度身体活动、低强度身体活动、久坐行为相互替代后幼儿睡眠问题的变化特征,总结不同类型学龄前儿童睡眠问题改善的有效策略。募集9所幼儿园3~6岁幼儿807名,借助三轴加速度计测量身体活动与久坐行为,通过儿童睡眠习惯问卷评估幼儿总体及8个维度睡眠问题,使用63种线性回归模型评估不同强度身体活动、久坐行为与幼儿总体及各维度睡眠问题之间的关系,在此基础上分别评估达标与未达标幼儿中高强度身体活动等时替代低强度身体活动、久坐行为后幼儿总体及各维度睡眠问题的变化。结果发现,中高强度身体活动对幼儿总体睡眠问题及睡眠时间、白天嗜睡等维度具有显著负向作用,同时中高强度身体活动以10 min等时替代低强度身体活动、久坐行为时,全部与未达标幼儿总体睡眠问题均显著下降且均随替代时间的增加而持续下降。在各维度中,中高强度身体活动以10 min等时替代低强度身体活动、久坐行为时全部与达标幼儿睡眠时间均显著下降,未达标幼儿异态睡眠、白天嗜睡均显著下降。此外,等时替代久坐行为时全部幼儿入睡延迟、白天嗜睡均显著下降。研究认为,提升中高强度身体活动水平有利于幼儿保持充足睡眠和缓解白天嗜睡,进而改善幼儿睡眠问题。当幼儿活动时间不变,增加其中高强度身体活动相对比例并相应地减少低强度身体活动或久坐行为比例,是解决幼儿尤其是未达标幼儿睡眠问题的有效策略。此外,以中高强度身体活动等时替代低强度身体活动或久坐行为,可针对性地改善达标或未达标幼儿某一个或几个维度的睡眠问题。


中图分类号:G807.1    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1006-7116(2024)05-0143-08


The relationship between physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep in young children based on the isochronic substitution model

HU Xuewen1ZHAO Guanggao1FU Jingmei2SU Liqiang3SUN Shunli2CHEN Ruiming1CHEN Delong1JIANG Tianle1LI Yunong 1SHEN Fanchao1

(1.School of Physical EducationNanchang UniversityNanchang 330031China2.Sports Science and Medical CenterJiangxi Provincial Sports BureauNanchang 330006China3.School of Physical EducationJiangxi Normal UniversityNanchang 330022China)


Abstract: To explore the changing characteristics of young children's sleep problems after using the isochronic substitution model to simulate the mutual substitution of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity, light intensity physical activity, and sedentary behavior, and then summarize the effective strategies for improvement of different types of preschool children's sleep problems. 807 children aged 3 ~ 6 years old from 9 kindergartens were recruited, 63 linear regression models were used to evaluate the relationship between different intensity physical activity, sedentary behavior and children's overall and various dimensions of sleep problems. On this basis, the changes of children's overall and various dimensions of sleep problems after moderate to vigorous physical activity replaced light physical activity and sedentary behavior were also evaluated, respectively. The results showed that moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity had significant negative effects on sleep problems, sleep duration, daytime sleepiness and other dimensions, and that when moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity replaced light intensity physical activity and sedentary behavior with 10 min isochronous time, the total sleep problems of all and substandard children decreased significantly, and all of them continued to decrease with the increase of replacement time. In each dimension, when moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity replaced light intensity physical activity and sedentary behavior with 10 min isochronous time, sleep duration of all children with the standard was significantly decreased, while parasomnias and daytime sleepiness of children without the standard were significantly decreased. In addition, sleep onset delay and daytime sleepiness of all children were significantly decreased when sedentary behavior was replaced by isochronous. The study concluded that increasing the level of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity is beneficial for young children to maintain adequate sleep and alleviate daytime sleepiness, which in turn improves young children's sleep problems. Increasing the relative proportion of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity and decreasing the proportion of light intensity physical activity or sedentary behaviors are effective strategies to address sleep problems in young children, especially those who do not meet the standards. In addition, replacing light intensity physical activity or sedentary behaviors with moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity at equal intervals can be targeted to improve one or more dimensions of sleep problems in young children who meet or do not meet these standards.

Keywords: physical activity of young childrensedentary behaviorsleepisochronic substitution model
