


(苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州  215021)



中图分类号:G807.0    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1006-7116(2024)05-0122-09


Theoretical explanation and realization mechanism of physical education teachers in job crafting from the perspective of empowerment theory

HE PingTAO YuliuWU XiangleiLIU YuxinWANG Yue

(School of Physical EducationSoochow UniversitySuzhou 215021China)


Abstract: Using the methods of literature review and logical induction, this study delves into the empowerment motivations, capability foundations, and realization mechanisms of job crafting for physical education teachers from the perspective of empowerment theory. The study concludes that the motivation of physical education teachers' job crafting comes from the empowerment of self-psychology, government policies, school management, and social environment; and the building of self-knowledge capacity based on professional autonomy, the enhancement of self-design capacity based on the right to participate in decision-making, the cultivation of self-reflective capacity based on the right to professional development, and the development of self-regulation capacity based on the right to discretionary power, are the basis of the empowering foundation for physical education teachers' job crafting. Under the perspective of empowerment theory, taking empowerment motivations and capability foundations as the effect mechanism, it is proposed that the realization mechanism of physical education teachers' job crafting should be established from four dimensions of cognition, task, skill, and relationship, so as to provide the new theoretical considerations for the promotion of professional development for physical education teachers.

Keywords: physical education teachersempowerment theoryjob craftingprofessional development
