


(浙江省衢州市教育局教研室,浙江 衢州  324000)



中图分类号:G807    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1006-7116(2024)05-0095-09


Understanding-orientedRefinement and application of big concept in physical education and health discipline

ZHU Fang

(Teaching and Research SectionEducation Bureau of Quzhou CityQuzhou 324000China)


Abstract: Analyzing the meaning and connotation of the big concept of discipline, comparing various expression paradigms of the big concept of discipline, distinguishing the big concept, core concept, general concept, and factual knowledge of the discipline, and establishing a concept hierarchy map to grasp the connotation and attributes of the big concept, and also clarify the general path of refining the big concept. Aiming at the essence and content characteristics of physical education and health discipline, focusing on the big concept analysis of the two major courses of "health education" and "sports skills", this paper puts forward a model for refining the big concept of sports skills: factual knowledge in discipline and skills pointing to technical and tactical content; general concepts pointing to technical and tactical characteristics and strategies; core concepts pointing to technical and tactical values and principles; and big concepts pointing to the essence of sports, as well as ideology and methodology. Combined with application analyses of basketball and gymnastics cases, emphasizing understanding-oriented and realizing "less and fine" leading "more and miscellaneous", in order to contribute to improving the teaching situation and also developing students' core literacy.

Keywords: physical education and healthbig concept of disciplinebig concept model of motor skill
