


(苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州 215006)  

    要:推动群众性与竞技性赛事融合发展对建设中国式现代化体育强国具有重要意义。在 群众性与竞技性赛事融合发展中,以人民为中心和以运动项目为基本的共同基础是前提,边界逐 渐模糊是加快融合的条件,以此构造全民参与的竞争型赛事样板的融合雏形。透过厘清“双赛” 融合脉络探讨当前存在的根源性问题、主体性问题、内容性问题和体制性问题,表现为“双赛” 融合认识不足制约互动关系、“双赛”地位竞争引致角色冲突、运动项目融入不深导致根基不稳和 缺乏政策体系保障削弱融合动力。基于此,提出以体育强国建设为目标,强化“双赛”融合认识; 以多元主体协同为抓手,促进“双赛”多方面融合;以运动项目为核心内容,推动“双赛”构建 新发展形态;加强体制机制保障,促动政策资源向群众性赛事倾斜。 


中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)05-0029-08  

The mechanism, reality and strategy of the integrative development for  mass and competitive events in China  

ZHANG LeiLIU GuangfeiYONG Ming 

 (School of Physical EducationSoochow UniversitySuzhou 215006China)  

Abstract: Promoting the integrative development of mass and competitive events is of great significance to building  a leading sporting nation with Chinese-style modernization. In the logic of the integrative development of mass and  competitive events, the common basis of people-centeredness and basic sports is the prerequisite, and the gradual  blurring of boundaries is the condition for accelerating the integration, so as to construct the prototype of the  integration of the competitive event model for the participation of all people. Through clarifying the integrative  process of mass and competitive sports events integration process, to explore the current root causes of the problem,  the subject of the problem, the content of the problem, and institutional problems, which clearly shows that lack of  understanding about integration of dual events restricting interactive relationships, status competition of dual events  leading to role conflict, not deep of integration with sports causing the unstable foundation, lack of policy system  guarantees weakening the integrative force. Based on these issues mentioned above, it is proposed to strengthen the  integrative understanding of the dual events with the goal of a leading sporting nation; to promote the various  integration of the dual events with the synergy of diversified subjects as the starting point; to promote the new  development form of the dual events with the core content of sports; and to strengthen the guarantees between  institution and mechanism so as to promote the policy and resources to lean towards mass events.  

Keywords: sports eventsmass eventscompetitive eventsindustrial integration
