


(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006)  

摘    要:体育是现代社会系统的子系统,应从系统角度解读它的要素、结构和功能。研究认 为:(1)现代体育是工业革命的产物,是一些规则统一的体育活动,逐步在世界范围内传播的结果。 (2)现代体育是社会文化大系统下的“二级”存在,它是适应大系统诸多“一级”子系统要求的结 果,包括适应工业生产对身心的要求、工业时代对社会治理的要求、政治对博弈舞台的要求、经 济对承载平台的要求、休闲对娱乐项目的要求、教育对育人内容的要求、宗教对传播手段的要求、 战争对躯体培养的要求。(3)社会文化一定程度上体现对体育的适应,如古希腊雕塑、文学、音乐、 哲学、阶层标识等对古代奥运会的适应,现代服饰、器械、医学、政治对现代体育的适应。(4)代体育包含 4 要素,即体育技术的经济性、时空人为限制的规范性、器械外显的识别性、规则设 置的胜负原则。(5)体育项目是指以体育技术、时空限制、器械和规则等要素组合成的,以体育技 战术为手段获取自由社会的有机体;现代体育是指以体育项目为中介,满足人类对极限追求的社 会现象。 


中图分类号:G80 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)05-0016-06  

Reflections on the modern sports  

WANG Guangjin  

(School of Physical EducationSouth China Normal UniversityGuangzhou 510006China)  

Abstract: Sports is a subsystem of modern social systems, and its elements, structure, and function should be  interpreted from a systemic perspective. The study concludes that: (1) the modern sports would be a product of the  Industrial Revolution, a series of standardized sports activities, and a result that gradually spread worldwide. (2) The  modern sports is a "secondary" existence in the social and cultural system, and the result of adapting to the  requirements of many "primary" subsystems of the system, which contains the requirements of industrial production  for physical and mental health, the requirements of the industrial era for social governance, the requirements of  politics for the game stage, the requirements of the economy for the carrying platform, the requirements of leisure  for entertainment projects, the requirements of education for educational content, the requirements of religion for  communication methods, and the requirements of war for physical cultivation. (3) The social culture exhibits the  adaptation of sports to some extent, such as the adaptation of ancient Greek sculpture, literature, music, philosophy,  and social class symbols to the ancient Olympics, and the adaptation of modern clothing, equipment, medicine, and  politics to modern sports. (4) The modern sports contains four elements, namely the economy of sports technology,  the standardization of human limitations in time and space, the recognition of external features for instrument, and  the winning and losing principle for setting rule. (5) Sports events is composed of some elements including sports  techniques, limitations in time and space, instrument and rules, and acquires organism of free society by the means  of sports techniques and tactics; and the modern sports will be mediated by the sports events, and also a social  condition satisfying human beings to chase for extreme pursuit.

Keywords: modern sportssports eventssocial culturefunctionalism
