(1.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006;2.广东第二师范学院 体育学院,广东 广州 510303) 摘 要:自古以来人类对运动技能的认识便与身体认知息息相关,随着身体认知的范式转型,重构运动技能发展模式显得尤为迫切。以西方具身认知科学、生态动力学与中国体认范式为旨归,以西方运动技能实证研究、中国运动行为叙事研究为互证证据链,提出了以具身性生成、情境性塑造、简并性提升和非线性发展为要义的运动技能具身发展模式,并从促进身体与情境深度交互,构建“感知-行动”耦合系统;创设代表性运动学习情境,探索适应性运动行为表达;归纳同质性动作能力集群,提高自主性运动技能呈现;探究助力性运动行为圈层,推进运动技能正向迁移4个方面探讨了运动技能具身发展模式的教学实践进路。 关 键 词:运动技能;具身发展;“感知-行动”耦合;非线性 中图分类号:G80 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)03-0095-08 |
YE Songdong,JIA Chen
(1.School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China; 2.School of Physical Education,Guangdong University of Education,Guangzhou 510303,China)
Abstract: Since the ancient times, the understanding of motor skills and the cognition of the body for human beings are closely related. With the paradigm shift in body cognition, it is necessary to reshape the development model of motor skills. Therefore, this study integrates Western embodied cognitive science, ecological dynamics, and the Chinese paradigm of embodiment to form a triadic evidence chain consisting of empirical research on motor skills in the Western context and narrative research on motor behavior in China, and then the motor skills embodied development model has been proposed, which emphasizes the embodiment generation, contextual shaping, complexity reduction, and nonlinear development. The practical pathways in teaching of the motor skills embodied development model are revealed through four aspects: promoting deep interaction between body and context, establishing a perception-action coupling system, creating representative learning contexts to explore adaptive motor behavior expression, categorizing homogeneous motor abilities to enhance autonomous motor skills presentation, and exploring supportive behavior layers to facilitate positive transfer of motor skills. Keywords: motor skills;embodied development;perception-action coupling;non-linearity |