


(1.上海体育大学 体育教育学院,上海  200438;2.周口师范学院 体育学院,河南 周口  466001)

摘      要:回溯我国业余体校组织结构变迁的历程,可将其划分为由业余体校领导、管理人员和教练员上下垂直分工的“直线式结构阶段”,对训练、教务、行政等职能进行部门化横向分工的“分部制结构阶段”,和以任务为导向、多主体共同参与的 “网络式结构阶段”3个阶段;在不同的组织结构变迁阶段,业余体校始终以竞技体育后备人才培养的价值定位,运动训练专业化的效率逻辑和逻辑共存的制度顺应策略,为其组织结构样态调整的基本理路。结合现阶段我国体育事业的发展现实,建议业余体校从扩充组织职能部门、集团化办校以及与中小学校共建合作网络3个方面综合考虑,通过完善其组织结构,整合利用体教资源,从而构建业余体校服务竞技体育后备人才选育和青少年体育普及的双赢格局。

关  键  词:业余体校;组织结构;人才培养;体教融合

中图分类号:G807.7    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1006-7116(2024)04-0107-06

Research on the process, experience and future direction of the organizational structure change for China’s amateur sports schools
YUAN Qiang,MA Xiao,TANG Yan

(1.School of Physical Education,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China;2.School of Physical Education,Zhoukou Normal University,Zhoukou 466001,China)

Abstract: By reviewing the development course of the organizational structure change for amateur sports schools in China, it can be divided into three distinct stages such as: “the period of linear structure” of vertical division of labor composed of leaders, managers and coaches, “the period of partial structure” of departmental horizontal division of labor for training, academic affairs, administration and other functions, and “the period of network structure” of task oriented and multi subject participation. During the various stages of organization structure change, adhering to the value positioning of cultivating reserve talents in competitive sports, following the efficiency logic of professional in sports training and institutional adaptation strategy of the coexistence of logic, all these provide the basic logic for adjusting the organizational structure for amateur sports schools. Combined with the current development reality of China's sports industry, it has been recommended that amateur sports schools should comprehensively consider from three aspects of expanding their organizational department, collectivized school running, and building cooperative networks with primary and secondary school, and also by improving the organizational structure of amateur sports schools, and integrating and utilizing sports and education resources, to construct a win-win situation of competitive sports reserve talent selection and youth sports popularization by the service from amateur sports schools.

Keywords: amateur sports schools;organizational structure;talent training;integration of sports and education
