
主流媒体国际体育传播与国家形象建构 ——CGTN 报道北京冬奥会的议程举隅


(1.澳门科技大学 人文艺术学院,中国 澳门 9990782.河海大学 公共管理学院,江苏 南京 211100)  

要:运用内容分析和文本分析的混合方法对 CGTN 关于北京冬奥会的报道进行研究,考 察了相关报道的新闻框架、议题主体以及不同议题的内容细节,力求展现主流媒体在体育国际传 播中建构国家形象的全貌与特征。研究认为,CGTN 在情景性、故事化的国际传播叙事空间中, 基本形成以“运动员”为基石、以“体育外交”和“大国实力”为支柱、以“运动项目”“群众运 动”及“健康安全”为特色的国家形象建构逻辑,使国际体育传播与国家形象建构深度互嵌。但 是健康安全方面的报道数量较其他议题明显偏少、国际舆情的被动回应,以及大国实力议题的传 播效果等问题,需进一步思考与探究。 


中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2023)01-0020-07

International sports communication and national image construction by mainstream media ——An example of CGTN's coverage agenda of the Beijing Winter Olympics
LIU Siyu,JI Feng

(1.Faculty of Humanities and ArtsMacao University of Science and TechnologyMacao 999078China2.School of Public AdministrationHehai UniversityNanjing 211100China) 

 Abstract: This study adopts mixed methods to examine CGTN coverage of the Beijing Winter Olympics on  Facebook, and the purpose is to describe the overall characteristics of the national image construction by the  mainstream media via the international sports communication. This study finds that CGTN has basically formed a  logic of national image construction with "athletes" as the cornerstone, "sports diplomacy" and "national strength"  as the pillars, and "sports events", "mass sports" and "health and safety" as the characteristics in the episodic and  storytelling international communication narrative space, which makes international sports communication and  national image construction deeply intertwined. However, the study suggests that the lack of coverage of health and  safety issues, the passive response of international public opinion, and the communication effect of national strength  issues should be further considered and explored afterwards. 

Keywords: Beijing Winter Olympicsinternational communicationnational imagesports news
